Event Resources

Below is a list of resources that may assist in submitting a Kingdom Event Bid. The information is current at the time of publication but may change without notice.


Event201820192020 (COVID)2021 (COVID)20222023
12th Night405466543virtualvirtual268
Winter University153422319virtualvirtualvirtual
Spring Crown Tourney400257cancelled56 (Limited)293TBD
Spring Coronation41533323 (Limited)185 (Limited)585350
Summer University201264virtual <644virtual
129 (hybrid)
Fall UniversityN/A145virtual <816virtual
126 (hybrid)
Fall Coronation223391cancelledcancelled219310
Fall Crown Tourney371286cancelled223264295
War of the Wings11131066cancelledcancelled917


  1. The Golden Rose Tournament was held 2009 – 2015 and the average attendance was 234.
  2. Unevent attendance is not tracked, therefore no information is available.
  3. We are working to fill in missing information. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Event Requirements

Since every event is distinct, each one necessitates its own set of unique requirements. Each event also has its own challenges. If you have questions about any of the requirements, please reach out and we can work with you to find a resolution that will work for the site and staff, as needed.

Atlantian 12th Night

  • Required
    • Court Area
    • Hall (can be the same as the Court Area)
    • Vigil Area
    • A&S Display & Competition Area
    • Kitchen / Feast / Dining
  • Optional
    • Classroom / Meeting Rooms
    • Royal Room
    • Alcohol Permitted
    • Martial Activities
    • Bardic Area

Kingdom Arts & Science Festival (KASF)

  • Required
    • Court Area
    • Hall (can be the same as the Court Area)
    • Classroom / Meeting Rooms
    • A&S Display & Competition Area
    • Bardic Area
  • Optional
    • Kitchen / Feast
    • Royal Room
    • Alcohol Permitted
    • Martial Activities
    • Vigil Area

Coronation (Spring & Fall)

  • Required
    • Court Area
    • Hall (can be the same as the Court Area)
    • Royal Room (if possible for Incoming and Outgoing Monarchs)
    • A&S Display & Competition Area
    • Martial Activities
  • Optional
    • Kitchen / Feast
    • Bardic Area
    • Alcohol Permitted
    • Vigil Area
    • Classroom / Meeting Rooms

Crown (Spring & Fall)

  • Required
    • Court Area
    • Martial Activities
    • A&S Display & Competition Area
  • Optional
    • Kitchen / Feast
    • Royal Room
    • Hall (can be the same as the Court Area)
    • Bardic Area
    • Alcohol Permitted
    • Vigil Area
    • Classroom / Meeting Rooms

University (Winter, Summer, Fall)

  • Required
    • Court Area
    • Classroom / Meeting Rooms
    • Hall (can be the same as the Court Area)
  • Optional
    • Kitchen / Feast
    • Royal Room
    • Martial Activities
    • Bardic Area
    • Alcohol Permitted
    • Vigil Area
    • A&S Display & Competition Area