
If you have recently won a Notable position, congratulations! please contact to provide your name as you would like it displayed and the best email to use for contacting you.

  • The Royal Bard is selected annually at Kingdom Twelfth Night (the second weekend in January).
  • The Poeta Atlantiae is selected annually at Fall Coronation (the first weekend in October).
  • The Royal Baker and Royal Brewer are selected annually at the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (the first weekend in March).
  • The Scrivener Royal is selected bi-annually at Atlantian Coronation.
  • The Royal Archer is the winner of the yearly Royal Archery Championship.

Please do not call any of the following individuals after 10pm Eastern Time unless otherwise noted in their information.

A&S Champion
Queen’s Champion: Mistress Jane Fox
King’s Champion: Doña Costança Daguiar

Royal Baker
Lady Elizabeth de Spaldyng

Royal Bards
Lady Diana of Viroconium (Rose Bard) and Lady Thórvé Skáld Rikardsdottir (Crown Bard)
Royal Bard Website

Royal Brewer
Lord Edgar refskegg

Poeta Atlantiae
Lady Ealawynn Mæru
Poeta Atlantia Site

Scrivener Royal
Maîstresse Philomene de Lys
Scrivener’s Site

Royal Archer
Master Janyn Fletcher of Lancastreschire
Roster of Royal Archers