Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Office is committed to promoting the
values of inclusion throughout the SCA. The focus is equity, which is just and
fair inclusion into an organization in which all can participate, prosper, benefit,
and reach their full potential.

The DEI office develops activities and training to cultivate a climate in which
all members are treated fairly and able to thrive in a welcoming atmosphere.
This work is compliant with nondiscrimination laws, ADA laws, the SCA
mission statement, and our governing documents, especially our policies on
harassment, bullying, and hate speech.

DEI Officer
Thegn Brenainn MacShuibne (Matt Torsky)
dei AT seneschal.atlantia.dnsalias.org
703 835 1479

DEI Documents, classes, resources, and other links.
If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions please contact the DEI

Report an Incident
If you believe you have been discriminated against, sexually harassed,
bullied, or subjected to hate speech,
 there is help and the first step is to tell
us about it. Contact a seneschal, the Kingdom Seneschal
Seneschal@Atlantia.SCA.org, or your Kingdom’s  Board Ombudsman. You
may also “cc” equity@sca.org on your correspondence if you like.

DEI Concepts

Diversity means the presence of difference, or variety, within our groups. We
each have different characteristics, preferences, abilities, strengths,
weaknesses, labels, cultures, and beliefs. In the SCA, we do not allow
something as organic as variety to hinder the very organization we love and

Equity means equal access. When people come together in groups, some
have advantages while others have disadvantages. In context of this office,
equity means a process to ensure that everyone has equal access to the
same opportunities in the SCA. It also means being treated with the same
courtesy, respect, and dignity as everyone else, no matter how you are

Inclusion means being welcomed and truly valued for what you contribute. It
means that no matter your race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
disability, or able-ness, you are accepted. Verna Myers explains, “Diversity is
being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” This office will
be using the framework of Inclusive Excellence.

What does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mean for members of the SCA?

First, that we are aware of issues going on in the world we live in and we
know that our organization is not insulated from the impacts of implicit bias.

Second, that to be successful we must welcome and value new and existing
members who are different from 90% of our populace.

Third, that discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, and hate speech will
not be tolerated in our Society.

Lastly, that we take action. We value chivalry and live by those tenets we
claim to hold as ideal. When a participant violates the code of conduct we
require, we let them know so they can adjust their behavior. The phrase, “if
you see something, say something” can be applied here.

Our job as members isn’t to judge other members but to be clear on what
actions are acceptable. You can simply let a member know that, “we don’t
treat people that way in the SCA”, or “that violates our core values”, or “that
action/statement isn’t acceptable”. If you have tried that without result, or feel
uncomfortable doing so, you can report any incident to your local Seneschal
who will report to your Kingdom Seneschal.

Use the information here to educate yourself on bias, cultural intelligence, and
inclusive excellence. Understand that bias exists and it doesn’t make one a
bad person; it is simply something to be aware of and to challenge so that you
don’t act on bias, mistreat any member of the SCA, or violate our laws or