Waiver Secretary

Seneschal 150

Waiver Secretary: Baroness Aine ingen Chuimin
MKA: Beth McAllister
Address: 5611 Jamisons Farm Dr.
Warrenton, Va. 20187
Phone: 404-931-7252 (please no calls after 10pm)
Email: waivers AT atlantia.dnsalias.org

Attention to all Knight’s Marshals and Seneschals:
As a reminder, each group (no exceptions!) is required to report on a quarterly basis whether or not any martial activity waivers were signed. There is now a new web form to simplify this process.

Please use this form (http://goo.gl/forms/fOnhNyoZfN) on a quarterly basis to report to the Waiver Secretary whether or not you conducted any non-event, waiver-required martial activities (everything except Thrown Weapons or Combat Archery) in that quarter, and whether waivers were signed. Any signed waivers must still be mailed to the Waiver Secretary in hardcopy, but otherwise, your form submission will serve as the signed cover sheet.

Waiver Policies and Documentation

General Waivers

Equestrian Waivers

The Waiver Forms applicable in Atlantia can be found on the following Pages of this document:


Standard Eq Waiver (for MD & DC)    Page  2

GA State-specific Eq Waiver               Page 11

NC State-specific Eq Waiver               Page 32

SC State-specific Eq Waiver               Page 39

VA State-specific Eq Waiver               Page 45

Reporting Forms