Web Minister

The Web Minister is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the Kingdom’s electronic resources and services, including (but not limited to):

  • The Kingdom domains and subdomains, web sites, and servers, and email systems and aliases
  • Warranting Web Ministers for the branches of the Kingdom
  • Monitoring all web sites associated with the Kingdom to ensure compliance with both Kingdom and SCA policy
  • Lending technical assistance to the web ministers of the recognized branches and groups who reside within the Kingdom of Atlantia.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the web team at webteam@atlantia.dnsalias.org.


Society Handbook

WordPress Glossary Plugin Import Guide

How to Whitelist Atlantia in your Gmail Account

Deputies to the office of the Kingdom Web Minster

Emergency Deputy (THL Ciaran Mac Breandain)

The ’emergency deputy’ works closely with the KWM so that, as the name implies, they are ready to fully assume the duties of the KWM in the event of an emergency.

Special Projects (Sir Jonathas)

Technology moves quickly and so do the needs of our users. The special projects deputy leads initiatives to advance the technical capabilities of the services offered by the Kingdom.

Reporting & Reviews

Annual reports are due to the Society Webminister by February 15th.
Quarterly reports are due by: March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, and December 1st
A public virtual conference is held the weekend before each reporting deadline to address any questions or concerns.

Quarterly reports touch on: issues being addressed, new sites, new policies, and any other pertinent data deemed appropriate.