Their Royal Highnesses

Their Highnesses will be focusing their upcoming reign on the War of the Roses.

( Contact Their Highnesses: )

Prince Christoph Krieger

Christoph is a late 13th Century early 14th century German, but trained English Knight. He has a strong interest in Edward of Woodstock (The Black Prince) and loves that particular time period. His favorite color is purple, but his heraldic colors are blue, white and gold. Clothing wise, he wears whatever his wife Adelhait requests, within reason, but really loves a comfortable Garment-63 (G63) style tunic. He is a fan of high middle ages tournaments. He enjoys gambling and period games as well as learning different gaming styles and origins. His heraldic emblazon is “Azure, a panther rampant Or spotted sable incensed, collared and chained, within a bordure argent.”

  1. Preferred Foods:
    • His Majesty feels that Cheeseburger’s, onion rings and milkshakes, are above all the greatest food ever created.
    • He is also fond of Steak (medium rare) all fruits, cheeses and vegetables (especially cauliflower) and loves almost all vegetables pickled.
  2. Forbidden Foods:
    • Allergic to NON Dairy Creamer and Geletins.
    • Dislikes dark meat.
    • Absolutely detests anything spicy.
    • Does not drink brown liquor.
  3. Preferred Drinks:
    • His favorite beers include, Blue Moon, Yuengling and if you really want to get on his good side, bring him Sam Adam’s Octoberfest.
    • Non Alcoholic drinks include: Cherry Coke Zero, iced Water (cold), Needs coffee in the AM, with sugar and milk (preferably skim).
  4. Other:
    • His personal colors are blue, white and gold and his persona’s period is late 14th early 15th century.
    • His favorite color is purple.
    • His measurements can be provided upon request.

Princess Adelhait Fuchs

Adelhait persona has always been German, but during this reign she’s focusing on the time period of the Wars of the Roses from 1460 – 1485 and going for a more English style. She is a huge fan of that time period and devotes all her free time to reading whatever she can get her hands on about that time period, in particular her favorite personages from that Era, Richard III and Edward IV. Her favorite thing to do is talk and study about Nobility and Royals from the middle ages of Western Europe. Her favorite color is pink, but red and black take a very close second. She adores jewel tones and her heraldic colors are blue and silver/white. Her heraldic emblazon is “Azure, a unicorn’s head issuant from base and in chief two seeblätter argent.” She loves to enjoy an adult beverage and chat getting to know those around her.,

  1. Preferred Foods:
    • Cheese, german food, buffalo sauce, italian food, potatoes, super shaved thin sandwich meats.
    • Pizza is her absolute favorite food.
    • Mushrooms, Steak (medium rare) and she too loves a cheeseburger.
    • Pasta dishes with (oh cheese….) are her favorite as well.
    • Not a fan of candy but does love cakes.
  2. Forbidden Foods:
    • Chicken with bones.
    • Arugula, cilantro, rosemary.
    • Tree nut allergy. PLEASE DO NOT SUPPLY FOOD WITH NUTS.
    • Her Majesty has a very picky tummy. She would like all woodland and seafaring creatures to remain in the natural habitat and not on her plate.
    • Anything with seeds.
    • Dark meat.
  3. Preferred Drinks
    • Please no beer. I will sip some whiskey, but I prefer sweet.
    • Enjoys alcoholic beverages and good tequila.